سمات الشخصية وعلاقتها بالتوافق الدراسي(دراسة ميدانية وسط طالب جامعة الجزيرة)


  • أ. إمتثال أحمد دمحم يوسف.
  • د. صالح الطيب محمد محكر.


1. Presonality Traits. 2. Scholastic Adjustment. 3. University of *Gezira.


The study aimed to know the relationship between Personality Traits,
(Neuroticism, Extraversion, and Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, and
Conscientiousness), and Scholastic Adjustment, among the students of University
of Gezira"
The population compsed of (79991) students, (all the sectors of the university), and
the sample consisted of (525) students, represented (92%) of the population،
distributed according to the study variables as: (gender، specialization, residence).
The researchers applied (Personality Traits,& Scholastic adjustment). Correlative
descriptive method used. For data analysis, the researchers used (SPSS). The study
came to the following results: There is a positive correlative relation between
Personality Traits, and Scholastic Adjustment, and there are no significant
statistical differences in the average scores of the students in the two veriables,
Personality Trait, and Scholastic Adjustment related to: (gender, specialization,
residence). On the light of these results the researchers recommended, to
concentrate on the programs related to psychological adjustment, and academic

