الأنماط القيادية السائدة لدى مديري المدارس الثانوية وعلاقتها بالرضا الوظيفي للمعلمين (دراسة ميدانية على مدارس التعليم العام بشمال جمهورية غانا، 9142م)


  • محمد أبو دجانة إبراهيم باشا بكلية التربية، حنتوب -جامعة الجزيرة
  • أ.د. زينب محمد إبراهيم كساب أستاذ اإلدارة التربوية – جامعة الجزيرة
  • محمد التيجاني إبراهيم أستاذ علم النفس والتربية الخاصة – جامعة الخرطوم


The educational leaders have a great impact on improving the
educational process and its development. It is entrusted with providing a
healthy environment in which everyone works comfortably and good
relations prevail, and works to provide order and stability in educational
institutions and to oblige each individual in them to observe the
educational rules and principles. The study aimed: Knowing the
leadership styles prevalent among secondary school principals in northern
Ghana from the teachers' point of view, it also aimed to know the
characteristic of their job satisfaction and study the correlation between
the leadership styles prevalent among school principals and job
satisfaction among teachers. The study used the descriptive correlative
method. The study population consisted of all secondary school teachers
in public schools in northern Ghana in the academic year (2019-2020), who were (2014) male and female teachers. A random sample was chosen
by the stratified random method to represent the community, and the
number of its members was (500) male and female teachers representing
the five sectors of northern Ghana, with a percentage of (25%) of the
study population. The researcher used a questionnaire about leadership
styles and job satisfaction as two tools for the study. To analyze the study
data, the researcher used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences
(SPSS). The study found several results, including: Democratic
leadership styles prevail among secondary school principals in northern
Ghana with a mean of (2.05), and the level of job satisfaction among
secondary school teachers in northern Ghana is high, with a mean t of
(3.24). There is a positive, statistically significant relationship between
the prevailing leadership styles among school principals and the teachers'
job satisfaction with the Pearson correlation value (0.792). There are
statistically significant differences in the teachers' assessment of the type
of leadership styles prevalent among secondary school principals due to
gender, in favor of female teachers, with an arithmetic mean of (2.37).
The study recommends benefiting from the experiences of developed
countries in the methods and management of schools and in educational
administrative work in general, and trying to apply what is possible in the
Ghanaian environment. The study suggests conducting a study on the
effectiveness of a program to develop leadership skills for secondary
school principals in Ghana.

