اثر أنموذج التحري الجماعي لـ(ثيلين) في اكتساب المفاهيم الجغرافية (دراسة تجريبية على طالب الصف الخامس االدبي – بغداد - العراق)


  • رعد جميل حجي كاظم
  • د.محمد التجاني ابراهيم عمر
  • د .حيدر الحاج الامين


This research aims at identifying the impact of the line’s Collective
Investigation Model on Acquiring Geographical Concepts for 5th-grade students.
To achieve the goal of the research, the researchers developed the zero hypothesis,
adopted the experimental approach as a method of research, and followed a
number of procedures, including choosing an experimental design with partial
control and identified the research community that was limited to the fifth
literature branch students who are studying in morning schools in Baghdad for the
academic year 2018- 2019.The Researcher selectively chose the Directorate
General of Education of Baghdad Al Rusafa- 3 and from among its schools;
Thawrat Al Hussein Secondary School (peace be upon him) for Boys was chosen
on a single basis. Two sections from the 5th grade/ literature branch were chosen,
one representing the experimental group and the other representing the control
group. The sample of the research included (84) students, (42) students in the
experimental group and (42) students in the control group .The researchers were
keen, before embarking on the actual teaching, to statistically equal the students of
the two research groups in some of the variables that they believe may affect the
integrity of the experiment and the accuracy of its results. The researchers prepared
a test consisting of (45) items to measure the geographical concepts of the research
sample, distributed on three levels (definition, distinction, application), and the
number of test items was distributed to the main concepts, which are (15) concepts,
according to the academic content, and after extracting its honesty and consistency
by presenting it to experts and arbitrators, as well as conducting statistical analysis
of its clauses (difficulty factor, discriminatory strength), was applied to the
research sample. After correcting the answers and statistically processing the data,
the result of the research showed the following: The experimental group students
who studied the subject of natural geography, according to the Collective
Investigation Model of The Len, surpassed the students of the control group who
were studying the same subject in the post-geographical concepts test. In light of
the result, the researchers came out with a number of conclusions,
recommendations and proposals.

