About the Journal

Requisites required for publication in the journal:

1. The journal accepts the researches written in both languages (Arabic and English) 

2. The research submitted to the journal in Soft copy and hard copy (word office). 

3. The title of the research must be brief and express the aim of the research clearly and must not be general that the identity of the research cannot be determined.

4. The name of the researcher (Academy – University – College or any other institutions) phone number – Email must be put in separated page.

5.The researcher must attaches two abstracts written in both languages (Arabic and English ) written in one paragraph on one page includes : Introduction , Significance of the research , Objectives , Methodology , Results , Recommendations.

6. The research pages must not be more than twenty (20) or less than Fifteen (15).

7. The researcher submitted commitment that the research is not published before or will not published for any Academic Foundation until it is progress in the journal are finished and published in the journal.

8. If the research is a part of book or (doctorate – Master degree ) the researcher must explained it .

9. The author totally responsible bout all the contents of the research, the journal has nothing to do with it.

10. The author totally responsible for the accuracy of the research contents and the reality of the references, which the information taken from.

11. The research pages must be in A4 size the font size is fourteen (14) for both Arabic and English manuscripts, but the type is (simplified Arabic) for Arabic manuscripts and (Times New Roman) for English manuscripts, the line space is (1.5) and the margins are (2.5). - Beginning: of a new paragraph (tab). -Title: Font 16 (Simplified Arabic) wide (bold). - Authors: line 12 (Simplified Arabic). -Keywords: font 14 (Simplified Arabic) wide (bold). - Main author email: Line 10 (Simplified Arabic).

12. The submitted research must be characterized by modernity and accompaniment, complied with research methodology.

13.The author must be sure from the correctness of statistically analysis procedures ( if any ).

14. The reference in the research must be ordered alphabetically using the system of Author name ( last name ) the title , the year of publication , place of publication it is prefer to follow ( Harford Method ) in text citation . In the list alphabetically to the references the author must explained in the same language of the research after that write with other languages to the references, which written in difference languages of the research language

15. Editing body has rights to make amendments to think that the research is necessary or reject it.

16. The research submitted for publication is subject to the refereeing and the final acceptance is accredited after making all the corrections recommended by the refereeing.

17. Eiditing body has the right in editing by omit or add, which is necessary for linguistics matter.

18. In the case of the research accepted to be published all it is right belonged to the journal it is not allowed to be published in any media without taken permission from the journal or Edit body.

19. The author should paid decisive publication fee while deliver the research and has no right to retrieve it in the case of the research rejected or not published.

20. The research submitted electronically (Soft) to the Journal Edit through the journal Email.