معوقات تطبيق التعليم الإلكتروني في معاهد ومدارس التعليم الفني بولاية الجزيرة ( دراسة ميدانية من وجهة نظر معلمي معاهد ومدارس التعليم الفني بولاية الجزيرة –السودان 2022م


  • أ. أحمد حسن محمد البشير طالب دكتوراه في تكنولوجيا التعليم جامعة البطانة
  • د .الصديق عبدالصادق البدوي بلة أستاذ تكنولوجيا التعليم المشارك، كلية التربية، جامعة البطانة -السودان

الكلمات المفتاحية:

difficulties, technical education, electronic education, computer, the Internet


The study aimed to identify the obstacles to the application of e-learning in
technical education institutes and schools in the state of Gezira in Sudan, from the
point of view of teachers of technical education institutes and schools in the state
of Gezira in Sudan. And a female teacher with a rate of 21.3% of the study
population of (254) for the academic year 2021-2022 AD, and to treat the data
statistically, the Social Package for Statistical Sciences (SPSS) program was used.
Arithmetic (2.26) with a medium estimated degree, and the obstacles related to
the teacher and the curriculum were achieved with an arithmetic mean (2.18) and
a medium estimated degree, and the obstacles related to the infrastructure of the
educational institution and technical support were achieved with an arithmetic
mean (2.42) and with a high degree of discretion, and the obstacles related to
students were achieved with an arithmetic mean (2.27) and with a degree of
Average rating, and the study made several recommendations, most notably:
raising awareness of the importance of e-learning, training teachers on it to
develop education, and setting a line A comprehensive program of educational
reform in accordance with the foundations and principles of educational


