علم البلاغة وتعلقه بالقرآن دراسة بلاغية وصفية استقرائية تحليلية


  • د. طارق محمد قسم السيد بابكر جامعة الجزيرة، كلية الآداب، قسم اللغة العربية والدراسات االسلامية .




The study of rhetoric is important to the people of Arabic, and it has
received a great deal of attention. due to its connection with clarifying the
aesthetics of what the language of the Arabs implies, the dimensions of the
meanings in their speech, what is the importance of the Qur’an for Muslims in
general and for the Arabs in particular because it is their language, and how it represents their beliefs, and understanding it is a requirement for all of them, and
building knowledge as all sciences must fill the gaps in it or details of what was
ambiguous in it without breaching the meaning or negligent shortening, and this
matter became clear when scholars worked to interpret the meanings of the Noble
Qur’an by placing them in the balance of the Arabs to understand the meanings as
they should be understood by God’s intent in defying these people. Therefore, this
study aimed to clarify the relationship of the three sciences of rhetoric with the
Holy Qur’an (Science of Meanings, Explanation and Badi'ah), the study followed
the descriptive and inductive analytical approach, and the study concluded that the
depth of the connection between the science of rhetoric and the Qur’an has no
limit, and it is on its surface and in its interior the resemblance to the connection of
the soul. In the body, there is no party except with the presence of a party. If the
Qur’an is said, rhetoric is said, and if rhetoric is said, the Noble Qur’an is
mentioned, as rhetoric highlights the Qur’anic beauty in its most beautiful form
because of the divisions created by scholars of this art and their arrangement for it.
The sciences of rhetoric in terms of order of what was called these sciences in the
beginnings the sciences of rhetoric. Also clarify examples of that relationship by
reciting the Qur’anic verses to clarify the result of the link between each science of
rhetoric and its evidence in the Noble Book. Then the study recommend
researchers to strive to study this relationship and to consume orthodoxy and gentle
art in studying and analyzing so that the benefit prevails and the goal is achieved
for everyone.



How to Cite

محمد قسم السيد بابكر د. ط. (2022). علم البلاغة وتعلقه بالقرآن دراسة بلاغية وصفية استقرائية تحليلية. Al-Butana Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences, (19), 158–185. https://doi.org/10.12345/jhss.vi19.127