محددات القطاع السياحي في السودان - دراسة حالة ولاية كسلا


  • د.إبراهيم عبد اللطيف عبد المطلب خوجلي جامعة كسلا - كلية التربية - قسم الجغرافيا – السودان
  • أمل مكي عبد الرحمن بابكر أستاذ مشارك-جامعة البطانة –كلية التربية – قسم الجغرافيا- السودان




The study dealt with the determinants of the tourism sector in the state of Kassala
in eastern Sudan. The problem of the study was answering this problem by asking
the following question whether the state was able to take advantage of the available
tourism ingredients to support the state treasury. The study aimed to know the most
important problems and limitations facing the tourism sector and the process Its
development and the study assumed hypotheses that the tourism administration in the state of Kassala has no tangible role towards the tourism sector itself, and as
the state of Kassala suffers from several determinants that contributed to limiting
its tourism role and the importance of the study lies in trying to modify
misconceptions towards the Aahi tourist and promote tourism ethical conduct of
the population. The study followed a number of approaches, including a
comprehensive approach to geographical reality, a spatial analysis approach, and a
regional approach. The study reached results, the most important of which are that
there are multiple and interrelated factors that contributed to varying degrees in the
size of the tourism sector in the state and play its assigned role, which appears to
be the most prominent indicators of the lack of optimal use of these natural and
human resources, which led to marginalization and weak tourism services for this
vital sector and lack of media marketing through Advertising and promotion
through the absence of tourist guide offices, and there are laws related to tourism
activity that are a stumbling block for the progress of the tourism sector in the
state. The study recommended that it is necessary to facilitate procedures and
remove obstacles facing tourism activity and grant more conditions, exemptions
and privileges than those found in the current investment law. 



How to Cite

عبد اللطيف عبد المطلب خوجلي د., & مكي عبد الرحمن بابكر أ. (2022). محددات القطاع السياحي في السودان - دراسة حالة ولاية كسلا. Al-Butana Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences, (19), 1–23. https://doi.org/10.12345/jhss.vi19.118