الإتزان الإنفعالي لدى المراهقين وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات


  • إسراء عبد الرحمن عالم أحمد


The study aimed to know the emotional balance of adolescents. The researcher
used a primary data form she designed and the emotional balance scale prepared by
Wafaa Haidub 2007 AD was used. The study sample consisted of (103) male and
female students from the first secondary and third secondary grades. The data was
analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (Spss)، and the
researcher used the Chi-square test in statistical treatments، and the results were
presented in tables and graphs. The following results were obtained: The emotional

balance of adolescents is high by (9.7%)، average by (58.3%) and low by (32%).
There are no statistically significant differences in emotional balance among
adolescents according to gender. There are no statistically significant differences in
the emotional balance of adolescents according to the economic status. There are
no statistically significant differences in emotional balance among adolescents
according to the school year. There are no statistically significant differences in
emotional balance among adolescents according to academic achievement. The
study recommends: setting policies to diversify the methods of providing scientific
material to alleviate academic pressures on secondary students، educating teachers
about the impact of the psychological and emotional state in receiving information
from students and their performance in exams، providing psychologists in
secondary schools to provide guidance and direction to students and solve
psychological problems if I found they have.


