أثر الطريقة الحوارية علي تحصيل الطالب في تدريس اللغة الانجليزية مقارنة بالطريقة التقليدية (دراسة تطبيقية على المدارس الثانوية بمحلية الدامر)


  • د. فرج الله محمد الكامل الماحي استاذ التربية المشارك – كلية التربية - جامعة وادي النيل
  • أ .اسلام أبشر التعليم الخاص –محلية الدامر


The objective of this study is to know the effects of using Dialogue
method of dialogue on to students collection in teaching English language
comparing with Traditional method in secondary schools in Al-Damer, AlDamer locality Typical Schools (Boys and Girls) in the targets research
contains of second level secondary appraises number (3937) students and also
appraises sample research it, casting (011) students, divided with two groups
one of the group experimentalism, the number of students (01) (20 males, 20
females). It studied with traditional methods in order to materialize farthest
research, to research use to: There is no differences in instructional
procurement according to gender (Male\Female) in using Conversational and
Classical ways. Pre-questionnaire: Allot of samples' research and traditional
ordinaries in teaching English language, Male of Experimental Group who
have learned through the Conversational Method have bested on Male of
Adjustment group who have learned through the classical method, Female of
Experimental group whom have learned through the conversational method
have bested on Females of Adjustment group whom have learned through the
classical method ,The questionnaire is distributed to empiricism group to
know bearing for teaching English language with dialogue, The result show
research it varieties in statistically significant differences at the level of
significance of 0.05 in middle attainments, between the control group (it)
learning with traditional method, in farrier group it empiricism , this indicate
positive use dialogue method in teaching English language in procuring.


