الفرق بين (ما) الحجازية و (ما) التميمية (دراسة استقرائية تحليلية)


  • د.عائشة بشير عوض الكريم حامد استاذ النحو والصرف المساعد - جامعة البطانة – كلية التربية


The study aimed to find out the difference between (what) Hijazi and
(what) Tamimi, and the importance of this study is due to the title itself in that it
deals with the grammatical topic that serves researchers in the field of grammar
and morphology. The problem of the study is that there is a clear difference
between (Ma) Hijazi and (Ma) Tamimi, and there is also a similarity between them
in that they are letters of meanings that indicate negation, but the overlap between
them causes a lot of confusion in their work. What the researcher reached is that there is a similarity between (Ma) Hijazi and (Ma) Tamimi, if it indicates a
negation, it is a letter that has no action in the actual sentence, and it does the work
of (not) in the nominal sentence, if its interpretation is correct with the verb that
follows it with a source It is an infinitive letter and the sentence after it is a link, if
you interpret (ma) to mean something, then it is complete knowledge and it is
mostly the subject of the verb (yes and bad) and that Al-Kisa’i, the head of the
Kufic school, contradicts grammarians in the syntax of (ma) that it has no place in
the parsing. The study recommends linking the applied aspect in some Quranic
verses and Arabic poetry, and urging researchers to extend their hands to draw
from the meanings of (what) of all kinds, and to navigate in Arabic grammar in


