أساليب غرس القيم التربوية الاسلامية ودورها في بناء الشخصية الاسلامية (دراسة تطبيقية على طلاب المرحلة الثانوية بولاية الخرطوم)


  • د. أحمد المهدي محمد محمد احمد الأستاذ المشارك ، بكلية التربية ، جامعة أمدرمان الاسلامية ، ورئيس قسم أصول التربية
  • د. مرضية الزين مختار محمد الأستاذ المساعد ، بكلية التربية ، جامعة أمدرمان الاسالمية


The aims of the research are to Identify the most important methods of
instilling Islamic educational values, the meaning of the human personality and its
most important components, and the role of these methods in building the human
personality. We used the descriptive approach and were ached several results ,
including :The most important methods of instilling Islamic educational values are the methods of example , good exhortation , dialogue , discussion , story ,
intimidation, and encouragement. Personality is an integrated unit that includes
several components, including physical mental, cognitive, moral, spiritual, social,
and emotional. The role of methods in building personality is through instilling
educational values, where mental knowledge appears, and emotional emotion
appears in the form of outward behavior through the style of example or practice.
The sermon works to enlighten individuals about the facts of things, which is
reflected in the building of these components in the human personality and shows
the role of dialogue in education which is related to the cognitive and mental
component of personality. And the story with an exciting moral significance
penetrates the depths of the soul , moving the good motives in the human being and
expelling the evil tendencies in him , and the method of enticement and intimation
lavishes bliss on the righteous and doers of good , and pours out the divine wrath
on the unbelievers , the oppressors and the hypocrites.


