المقدمة الغزلية والطللية في نقائض جرير (دراسة ادبية نقدية )


  • أ .محمد الامين تقي الدين ابراهيم احمد طالب دكتوراة بجامعة الجزيرة




The ghazal of Jarir expresses the true meaning away from the symbolism that
others have tended to, and it is an introduction to the themes of his poems, and
Jarir was addressing, like others, the homes and crying over the ruins. The
introductory and lyrical introduction in Jarir’s poetry, and the analysis and
discussion of the introductions to contradictions; the importance of the study
lies in the fact that the true writer must report minute details in the literature of
contradictions, because he inevitably has a moral, artistic and value addition
that does not exceed it, but rather adds to his entity and confirms his desire for
literature, the study followed the descriptive-analytical approach ; and it
reached several results, including: the abundance of words in Jarir’s Ghazal
and Talliya prefaces, poetry is more luxurious and powerful than the nature of
pride, the strength of emotion in Jarir’s poetry compared to the poetry of
others, a reason for his closeness to souls, Jarir in its prefaces always talking
about his struggles and struggles that he suffers either to repel his alleged loved
ones From him or their distance from him, in Jarir’s introductions, there is no
contradiction or disorder in his sentiments, nor breaks in his expressions, nor
distortion of his style. Rather, you find a human emotion that is composed and sedate. The study recommends studying the rhythmic level in the
contradictions of Jarir, and also recommends studying the renewal in the
structure of the Arabic poem.




كيفية الاقتباس

الامين تقي الدين ابراهيم احمد أ. .محمد. (2023). المقدمة الغزلية والطللية في نقائض جرير (دراسة ادبية نقدية ). مجلة البطانة للعلوم الإنسانية والإجتماعية, (22), 109–122. https://doi.org/10.12345/jhss.vi22.203