بيئة العمل الداخلية وأثرها على الأداء الوظيفي


  • د. أبوبكر عامر محمد لقمة جامعةالسلام ـ،كلية العلوم ـ الإدارية والمالية، السودان ،قسـم ادارة الأعمال.
  • د. بابكر اليسع الخليفة مفضل جامعةالجوف، السعودية، قسـ ادارة الأعمال
  • د.تهاني الرشيد أحمد حمزة جامعة السلام ، السودان، قسـم إدارة الأعمال
  • د.صديق عبدالرحمن شعيب صالح جامعة البطانة، كلية علوم الإدارة والإقتصاد، قسـم إدارة الأعمال




The study dealt with the internal work environment and its impact on job
performance by applying to the Railway Authority in Sudan. The problem
of the study was that the deterioration of the internal work environment
has an effective impact in weakening the morale and job satisfaction of
workers, which affects their performance and thus their productivity. And
to identify the aspects that can improve job performance, the study also
aimed to know the relationship of the internal environment to job
performance, and to know the impact of analyzing the internal
environment on job performance. The railway authority has a positive
relationship. There is a positive relationship between teamwork and
leadership style on job performance. The study made several
recommendations, including: The need to adapt to the changes that occur
not only in the internal environment but also outside because it is
considered a complement to the internal environment of the Railway
Authority Hadid in order to maintain an outstanding level of performance,
and the study recommended the need to expand empowerment and
delegate powers to workers and encourage them to participate in Decision
making and expressing opinions on various issues, especially with regard
to their work.




كيفية الاقتباس

عامر محمد لقمة د. أ., اليسع الخليفة مفضل د. ب., الرشيد أحمد حمزة د., & عبدالرحمن شعيب صالح د. (2023). بيئة العمل الداخلية وأثرها على الأداء الوظيفي. مجلة البطانة للعلوم الإنسانية والإجتماعية, (22), 37–59. https://doi.org/10.12345/jhss.vi22.200